

I am having a bit of a problem at the moment. I can't decide whether to rename this blog (again) or not.

My ideas for new blog ideas so far are:
Girl at Home
Forever and Always
The Perfect Disguise

If you have anymore ideas please tell me. And do you think I should rename? Please vote on my poll!

Last time I renamed my blog I didn't really think about what I was calling it and I really don't think that it really is the best blog name ever.

My main problem with renaming would be that fact that I would have to redesign this blog and I really love the design Morning designed for. So I'm not sure, help please!




  1. I love your blog name, but it's totally your choice!!

    Jemma xx

  2. Hey! The choice for renaming your blog is totally up to you, but whatever it is, I know it'll be amazing. Also, if you love the design I did, I don't mind redesigning the several elements with your old blog name and change it to your new one. Oh, and I saw your last post after this; I've got a Tumblr too! Mine is inmyeverydaylife.tumblr.com/ I gotta head off now, so bye! (I'll reply to your email that you sent me several days ago once I'm done finishing some errands I have to do).

    xoxo Morning
