
Beautiful Blog Award

I was just tagged by Morning from The Ups and Downs of my Not-So-Average Life, to do the Beautiful Blog Award. Thanks so much Morning:)

+ Answer the questions given to you
+ Give some answers for the people you nominate
+ Tell the people you have nominated that they have been nominated

1) What fandoms that you are apart of?
So many I can't list them all:)
2) What book/movie do you love but everyone else despises?
Closest thing would be Princess Diaries 2. I loved it, but everyone else I have talked to about it seems to think it's rubbish.
3) Your opinion on biscottis?
They're not my sort of thing.
4) Lemon sorbet or key lime pie (for ice cream flavors)?
Lemon sorbet
5) Do you have any weird pet peeves?
Sleeping with my door open. I can't do it! I have no idea why, oh and the same goes for my closet.
6) If you could have any super power, what would it be? Why?
Super strength. Can you imagine what you could do and who you could help?
7) If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Speak every language.
8) Do you believe in miracles?
I sure do:) I'm a Catholic
9) Finish this sentence ” There is beauty all around when …… “
People work together.
10) Why did the chicken cross the road?
Oh man! What a hard question. How about to see it's best friend? I don't know.
11) Name one thing you would like to do before leaving this earth.
Go to at least ten holy places.
12) What has been your biggest challenge?
I don't know! I don't think I can answer this, moving on...
13) If you could stay a certain age forever, what age would that be?
18. Old enough to do things, but still young!
I nominate:
Azia from Twelve Ten
Beth from Just my Cuppa Tea
Kayla from Love 'an Laugh

My Questions:

1. If could go anywhere, where would you go?
2. Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?
3. Doctor Who or Sherlock Holmes?
4. What's you favourite snack?
5. If you could have been born on any day of the year, which would you choose?
6. Black or White?
7. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
8. If you could swap places with anyone, who would you?
9. Instrumental or singing music?
10. If you could be a princess or a ninja, which would you choose?

I hope you enjoyed this:)
