
Liebster Award

Thank you very much Emily for nominating me for the Liebster award:)

General Rules and Guidelines+ Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link back to their blog.
+ Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
+ Answer the 11 questions they have given you.
+ Write 11 new questions for your nominees.
+ Nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to answer the questions (excluding the one who nominated you).
+ You must notify your nominees of their nomination.

Facts about me:
*I am the oldest in my family
*I am rereading The Hobbit at the moment
*I could eat ice cream for every meal
*I adore Disney
*I am very bad at listing facts about me
*I have an allergy to grass
*My favourite sport is swimming
*I hate almonds
*I dislike hot milk
*I have my own YouTube channel
*I am learning the piano

Emily's questions:

1. When is your birthday and how tall are you?
I was born on the 17th of December 200. I'm not sure how tall I am, short is all I know! I'm curious now:)
2. Sunrise or sunset?
3. Gold or silver?
4. Flats or heels?
5. If you could choose another name for yourself, what would it be?
6. Where do you see yourself in eight years?
I have no idea! I would be, what? 21 then? I have no idea!
7. Why are you proud of yourself?
Hard one. Nothing comes to mind straight off, does that mean I'm a bad person?
8. If you could switch places with someone for a week, who would it be?
Lindsey Stirling:)
9. If you could go out with a fictional character, who would it be and why?
Leo Valdez, he's a lot of fun.
10. What is your best subject in school?
11. What is your least favorite accessory?
Hair bows:P

I nominate:
Whoever else wants to do this!

My questions:

1. Favourite day of the year?
2. Hot chocolate or tea?
3. Lunch or dinner?
4. Morning or evening?
5. Writing or reading?
6. Blogging or noveling?
7. Strawberries or blueberries?
8. Skirts or shorts?
9. Dancing or sport?
10. Frozen or Tangled?
11. Loose hair of ponytail?

Hope you enjoyed this, I certainly did.



  1. Hope you can drop by my blog and perhaps follow back?

    Lucy // Lucys Life Through a Lense

  2. Hi Hannah! I decided that I would do this as well (even though I wasn't nominated). It was a lot of fun! I've started to write on my blog again (yay!) I'll be writing quite a bit this month. Scarlet

  3. Thanks for nominating me! Also, I'm having a writing contest! If you would like to enter, the link to my writing contest post is below!

  4. I love your blog! It's so unique!
